Default Methods

walletudrox.oauth and walletudrox.connect (methods)

These two methods must be used to connect the client's udrox wallet with their app

// best way to use onclick button, see the examples

walletudrox.transaction (method)

("wallet address 0x...","amounth","token")


  1. (String) Address where the funds will arrive

  2. (String) Transaction value, examples "5" "5.4444534" or "81767.6776666"

  3. (String) Token, You can use the DEFAULT CONTRACTS TOKENS or you can also customize your own token adapting it to the walletudrox.useContract method, It is also possible to use the contract address for custom contracts.

With this function we can carry out a transaction authorized by the client user to any wallet address



or custom contract


walletudrox.changeNet (method)

Allows the client user to change the network they work with in their app

// best way to use onclick

walletudrox.changeAccount (method)

Allows the client user to change the udrox wallet account with which they work in their app

// best way to use onclick

walletudrox.useContract (Method)

The implementation of the useContract method is not necessary if the DEFAULT CONTRACTS AND NETS are used

If we want a client to add a contract before making a transaction, we can use this method

// best way to use onclick

If we want to work with our custom contracts we must make the client agree to add to the Wallet Udrox

// best way to use onclick


  1. (String) Contract Address

  2. (String) Url image for Wallet Udrox

So we can add a personalized contact with whom I want to operate

walletudrox.useNet (Method)

With this function we make the client user integrate into an udrox wallet some DEFAULT NETWORKS or a network added from walletudrox.addNet

// best way to use onclick

walletudrox.addNet - Custom (if working with custom networks) (Method)

An example of using addNet:

walletudrox.addNet("1101","","Polygon zkEVM Network","ETH","");
Parameters (Strings)


Indicates the NETWORK ID


Network RCP

"Polygon zkEVM Network"

Network name


Main currency abbreviation


Url where transactions can be scanned

This step is only necessary the network is not default in udrox you can SEE DEFAULT NETWORKS

Last updated