Default attributes
The use of the attributes of the udrox account is very simple, we just write the walletudrox and the attribute that we want to obtain, these attributes must be called after the connection with the client user's wallet
We can obtain information from the udrox wallet of our client user the public attributes are:
walletudrox.address (String)
We obtain the address of the wallet of the account selected by the user Ex response: "0xcBBB92889BFEd827F64649dFDdF9fEF3d35037F0" (String)
We obtain the network currently selected by the user in the Udrox Wallet Ex response: "UDROX"
walletudrox.shortWallet (String)
We obtain the address of the wallet shortened and separated with points Ex response: "0xcBB...037F0"
walletudrox.nsu (String)
We obtain the address of the domain (Based on NSU UDROX) of the client's wallet Ex response: "MYWALLET.UDROX"
walletudrox.netWorkName (String)
Get the full name of the network selected by the client user Ex response: "Udrox Mintme mainnet"
walletudrox.balance (Object Array)
We obtain all the available and active balances in the udrox wallet of the network selected by the user client Ex response: [USDC: '0.0', MINTME: '3.84151916289275', main: '4790.0', UDROX: '4790.0'] or "[]" if you haven't uploaded the balances
walletudrox.contracts (Object Array)
Get all available assets from client user Ex response: {UDROX: {…}, MINTME: {…}, USDC: {…}}
walletudrox.listNets (Object Array)
We show all the active networks in the udrox wallet that the client user has in their wallet Ex response: {UDROX: {…}, MINTME: {…}, CRO: {…}}
walletudrox.userAccounts (Object Array)
We obtain the accounts that the client user has in their udrox wallet
Ex response: 0 : {address: '0x9E9183DdBeF9fDE381099aAc58CbAaE64BCab6Ed', nsu: 'CUENTAX1.UDROX'}, 1 : {address: '0x689D272dA06e3aBbb1d8e15D1e72C9c827E52009', nsu: 'CUENTAX1.UDROX'}
We show some examples of the use of the udrox api attributes
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